In our "Jacoby 2NT: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Fix" article, we discuss the problems with the traditional responses to the Jacoby 2NT game forcing raise; and we recommend ways to improve Jacoby 2NT. This article describes the Jacoby 2NT structure that we use. This articile is intended for expert partnerships.
Our Jacoby 2NT response shows 4+ card support and invitational or better values. We include invitational hands in our Jacoby 2NT raise to:
- Discourage competition in our Jacoby 2NT auctions. Interfering is riskier in an invitational or better auction because responder has not forced to game.
- Allows us to use a jump to 3M as a Mixed Raise
Opener's Rebids over an Invitational or Better Jacoby 2NT Raise
South | West | North | East |
1♥/♠ | Paass | 2NT | Pass |
? |
Opener's Rebid | Description |
3♣ |
Artificial, denies extra values Since opener has limited their hand, the Non-Serious 3NT slam try doesn't apply |
3♦ | Artifiicial, extra values, denies shortness (a balanced hand or a semi-balanced hand) |
3♥ | Artificial, extra values, shortness in clubs, the lowest side suit |
3♠ | Artificial, extra values, shortness in diamonds, the middle side suit |
3NT | Artificial, extra values, shortness in the other major, the highest side suit |
4♣, 4♦, 4-of-other-major | 5+ card suit headed by 2 of the top 3 honors, extra values |
4♥ (if 1♠ was opened) | 5 card suit headed by 2 of the top 3, extra values, 1st or 2nd round control in both minors |
4M | Not allowed |
Responder's Rebids over Opener's 3♣ (artificial denying extra values)
South | West | North | East |
1♥/♠ | Paass | 2NT | Pass |
3♣ | Pass | ? |
After opener shows a minimum, a responder with invitational values will bid a non-forcing 3M to show a 4+ card invitational raise. If responder has game forcing values, but doesn't have slam interest, responder will place the contract at game, and the defenders will not know if opener has shortness, or about any controls in a side-suit.
If responder has slam interest opposite a minimum opener, responder can ask opener for shortness, ask for key cards, or show a hand too strong for an immediate Splinter Bid response.
Responder uses step responses to show a hand too strong to splinter (16+ Support Points with a singleton or a void). The step responses begin with 3 of the other major, and they skip 3 of the agreed major.
- 3 of other major = club shortness
- 3NT = diamond shortness
- 4♣ = shortness in other major
Responder's Rebid | Description |
3♦ | Artifiicial, asks opener to use steps to show shortness With no shortness, opener makes their cheapest Control Bid. |
3M | An invitational, 4+ card raise, non-forcing. Opener uses their judgment to choose between passing or bidding game. |
3-of-other-major | Artificial, 16+ Support Points, shortness in clubs, lowest side suit |
3NT | Artificial, 16+ Support Points, shortness in diamonds, middle side suit |
4♣ | Artificial, 16+ Support Points, shortness in the other major, highest side suit |
4♦ | Not allowed (Exclusion if you must have an agreement) |
4♥ (if 1♠ was opened) | Not allowed (Exclusion if you must have an agreement) |
4M | To play |
Opener's Rebids over Responder's 3♦ Rebid (artificial asking for shortness)
South | West | North | East |
1♥/♠ | Paass | 2NT | Pass |
3♣ | Pass | 3♦ | Pass |
? |
Opener uses step responses to show shortness. The step responses begin with 3♥. With no shortness, opener makes their cheapest available Control Bid beginning with 4♣.
Opener's Rebid | Description |
3♥ | Shortness in clubs, the lowest side suit |
3♠ | Shortness in diamonds, middle side suit |
3NT | Shortness in the other major, the highest side suit |
4♣ | 1st or 2nd round control of clubs, no shortness |
4♦ | 1st or 2nd round control of diamonds, no shortness, denies control of clubs |
4♥ (if 1♠ was opened) | 1st or 2nd round control of hearts, no shortness, denies control of a minor |
4M | No shortness, no 1st or 2nd round control of a side-suit |
Responder's Rebids over Opener's 3♦ Rebid (artificial showing extra values with no shortness)
South | West | North | East |
1♥/♠ | Paass | 2NT | Pass |
3♦ | Pass | ? |
Responder bids 3M to warn they have an invitational hand. Responder's 3M bid is forcing because opener has shown extra values. Responder shouldn't jump to 4M with an invitational hand. Fast Arrival doesn't apply because opener's hand is unlimited.
If responder has an opening hand, they make their cheapest available Control Bid. Since both opener and responder are unlimited, Non-Serious 3NT applies. Bypassing 3NT to make a Control shows strong slam interest opposite opener's extra values. It denies control of any side-suits where were skipped. Bidding 3NT shows the willingess to cooperate with a slam try and denies control of the skipped other-major. A jump to 4M shows responder has game forcing values, but doesn't have control of any side-suit.
Responder's Rebid | Description |
3M | Shows responder has an invitational hand |
3-of-other-major | 1st or 2nd round control of other-major, 13+ points |
3NT | Artificial, Non-Serious 3NT, willing to cooperate with a slam try, denies control of the other-major |
4♣ | 1st or 2nd round control of clubs, strong slam interest, denies control of other-major |
4♦ | 1st or 2nd round control of diamonds, strong slam interest, denies control of clubs or other-major |
4♥ (if 1♠ was opened) | Splinter Bid, 16+ Support Points |
4M | Opening hand, denies control of a side-suit |
4NT (or Kickback if agreed) | RKC for the major |
5 of a side-suit | Exclusion |
Responder's Rebids over Opener's 3♥/3♠/3NT Rebid (artificial showing extra values and shortness)
- A 3M rebid, if available, shows an invitational hand
- A 3NT rebid, if available, is natural, showing substantial values and multiple stoppers in opener's short suit
- Otherwise responder makes a Control Bid
- Non-Serious 3NT does not apply.
Interference over Jacoby 2NT
If the opponents interfere over the 2NT response, the flrst order of business is to figure out if your side has the opponent’s suit stopped with a first-round or second-round control (an ace, king, singleton or void).
- Opener passes if they don’t have control of the overcalled suit.
- Opener doubles to show a singleton or void in the overcalled suit.
- If opener has control of the overcalled suit with an Ace or a guarded King, opener bids their cheapest control (or Non-Serious 3NT) to show control of the opponents suit, their level of slam interest, and control of the suit they bid.
- Opener's jump to 4M shows a dead minimum with control of the opponent’s suit (Ace or guarded King).