Declarers study suit combinations to learn the best of line of play to take tricks in a suit. Suit combinations are not played in isolation. Good declarers combine their chances to give themselves a better chance to take more tricks.
This 4 card end position iwhere declarer needs to win the last 4 tricks illustrates combining chances. Declarer has 3 winners. Their 4th trick could come from a finesse against the ♠Queen, or a finesse against the ♥King. Declarer should combine their chances by attempting to drop the ♠Queen. If the ♠Queen doesn't fall, declarer can finesse against the ♥King.
Here are some examples of declarers combining their chances:
Declarer combines thieir chances in clubs and hearts, using a show-up squeeze, providing the additional opportunity to drop a doubleton ♥Queen offside.
Declarer combines chances in spades and clubs.