XYZ applies when your partnerships bids 3 suits at the 1-level. XYZ makes it easy for responder to categorize the strength of their hand. It replaces 4th Suit Forcing and allows many invitational hands to be shown at the 2-level. The continuations are similar to 2-Way New Minor Forcing. The key difference is that opener has not limited their hand with a 1NT rebid. So the captain of the auction has not yet been established. Consequently, responder's potential signoff sequences are requests, not forces. If you are interested in a video lesson on 2-Way New Minor Forcing & XYZ, click on the image to the right.
XYZ applies when opener bids 1-of-a-suit, responder bids 1-of-a-suit, and opener rebids 1-of-a-suit. It is off after an overcall, but on after a takeout double. Here is a summary of responder's rebids playing XYZ.
Responder's Rebid | Explanation |
1♠ | Natural, forcing for 1-round |
1NT | Natural, less than invitational, offering a final contract. Opener is now the captain of the auction. |
2♣ | Artificial, asks opener to rebid 2♦. Responder can pass to play 2♦. Any other bid is natural and invitational. |
2♦ | Artificial game force. Bidding continues naturally. |
2 of Opener's major |
4+ card support, 0 to 10 points, non-forcing, Opener is now the captain of the auction |
2 of Responder's major |
Less than invitational with a 5+ card suit, non-forcing. Opener is now the captain of the auction. |
2♥ (unbid major) | Natural and invitational Uncontested auction: 1♣ -1♦; 1♠ - 2♥ |
2♠ (jump in unbid major) | A natural slam try (like other jump shifts) |
2NT | Artificial, asks opener to rebid 3♣. Responder passes to play 3♣ |
Jump Shifts | A natural slam try |
3NT | Natural, an offer to play |
Double jump shift | Splinter bid, game forcing, 4+ cards in support of opener's 2nd suit, singleton or void in the suit bid |
Because opener didn't limit their hand, responder's signoff sequences are requests. Opener is not obligated to observe the signoff sequences if they would have taken a bid over a less than invitational natural bid. If opener complies with a potential signoff sequence, opener is saying they would have passed a less than natural invitation in that suit. For example in the auction below, South's 2♣ rebid is artificial and asks opener to bid 2♦. If opener bids 2♦, opener is saying they are willing to play 2♦ if responder has a less than invitational hand. If opener is too strong or too shapely to stop at the potential signoff, opener makes a bid to describe their hand
North | East | South | West |
1♦ | Pass | 1♥ | Pass |
1♠ | Pass | 2♣* | Pass |
2♦* |
The same logic applies if responder's rebid is a jump to 2NT, asking opener to bid 3♣. Opener should bid 3♣ only if they are willing to play 3♣ opposite a less than invitational hand with clubs. If opener is too strong or too shapely to stop in 3♣, opener makes another bid to describe their hand.
North | East | South | West |
1♣ | Pass | 1♥ | Pass |
1♠ | Pass | 2NT* | Pass |
3♣* |
In a partnership using a Walsh bidding style, when the auction begins 1♣ - Pass - 1♦ - Pass, an opener with a balanced hand will rebid 1NT (or 2NT). Opener will not rebid a major unless they are unbalanced (or semi-balanced). So when the auction begins as shown below, opener's major suit rebid denies a balanced hand. XYZ still applies.
North | East | South | West |
1♣ | Pass | 1♦ | Pass |
1♥* |
Another difference for Walsh partnerships is that responder's rebid in an unbid major are natural and game forcing. If responder had less than a game forcing hand, responder would have bypassed their diamond suit to show their major. A raise of opener's major would typically show 3-card support and a less than invitational hand. Responder would use the 2♦ game force and then support opener's major with a game forcing hand with 4-card support for opener's major. A jump raise would show 4+ card support and slam interest.
North | East | South | West |
1♣ | Pass | 1♦ | Pass |
1♥/♠/NT | Pass | 2 of unbid major* |
David Loeb offers a video lesson series on 2-Way New Minor Forcing and XYZ. See below for a summary of the lesson series. Click on the image to the right to see the free trailer to the video lesson series.
- Introduction to 2-Way New Minor Forcing
- Responder’s Goals after opener’s 1NT rebid
- Methods to find the right contract
- Why 2-Way New Minor Forcing is easier & better
- How to use 2-Way New Minor Forcing
- 2-Way New Minor Forcing Explanations & Examples
- XYZ: using 2-Way New Minor Forcing after 3 suits are bid at the 1-level
- What to do when no rebid fits your hand
- Optional advanced agreements:
- Offer a choice between 3NT and 4 of your major without revealing opener’s distribution
- Look for a slam with support for opener’s minor and shortness